The Erich Kästner district school in the Farmsen-Berne district of Hamburg is attended by 1350 students in grades 5-13, 100 of whom are inclusion students, and five of whom are wheelchair users. Internal and external renovation work has been carried out on the technical facilities and partly for greater energy efficiency of the single-field sports hall and the double-H building at the site at Hermelinweg 10 in Hamburg. An eco-friendly CHP plant supplies the school buildings with heat.
The double-H building was also extensively rebuilt, with a newly inserted building providing floor space for physiotherapy, meetings and as a learning workshop being added. A lift suitable for disabled persons was also installed. Some larger classrooms were restructured so that they provide separate rooms for group activities and can be used better for flexible teaching methods. The redesigning takes into consideration the needs of special needs learners and the severely disabled.
Another component of the full redevelopment scheme is the demolition, scheduled for the end of 2022, of the main building with its 7500 sqm gross floor area. All the necessary removals to alternative sites were planned and carried out by us.